Running is good for your bone density: Study
We run for different reasons such as for weight loss, building endurance and stamina, running to clear mind, to feel good, to get in shape and keep the diseases at…
The latest in Health: Cold Pressed Juice
The newest fad in the health space is now here. You might be hearing a lot already about ‘Cold pressed juices’ and how amazing it is for you, but before…
Delhi is the most health conscious city in India, Flipkart insights show
Shopping patterns on Flipkart reveal some interesting facts about the most health conscious cities in India. Rapid increase in pollution levels, long work hours and stressed work-life balance have opened…
The Malnad Ultra: Latest Addition to the Ultra Running Circuit in India
Guest post by – Anand Adkoli Long-distance running has surely caught the imagination of runners in India. Today, there are an estimated 100,000 regular Marathoners across the large metros of…